Listify Theme

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Listify theme developers on the themeforest page say that ‘The Last Directory Theme You Will Ever Buy’. Lets see how good their claim is, this article was written not just after analyzing the theme but after working with theme and after creating a website with it. It means we have practical knowledge of what this theme offers in real and what it doesn’t.

Note: this review is written for Listify theme Version: 2.14.2, with newer versions the developers may have changed several things or added new functionalities and demos to the theme.

The demo installation process is quite cumbersome for a themeforest theme where you can easily find ‘one click’ easy to install demo themes this kind of not-so-easy demo installation process will leave the customers frustrated.

You have to first install a set a basic plugins, then again based on demo type install another set of plugins that are custom made for the theme and are available on the theme developers website. Nowhere else.

Gutenberg has been disabled inside the listing CPT (Custom Post Type), if we want to insert a simple button we need third party plugins to do so. We ended up using shortcodes plugin to create buttons and proper layout. Theme is mostly dependent on WP Job Manager for listing functionality. Several other plugins are used too.

IMPORTANT : The entire layout of the single listing template is controlled from the widget areas.

—> Claim listing plugin is paid

—> Demo setup is confusing.

—> Products pricing (woocommerce) listings plugin also paid plugin.

—> Listing payments plugin is also paid.

—> Bookings plugin is also paid.

—> The theme demo import process is not good. it can be quite confusing for newbies.

—> Dependency on too many 3rd party plugins.Not good for a website if it has too many plugins installed, first the site gets slowed down and second the site can run into errors.

—> Only one demo home page can be edited with Elementor page builder another demo can’t be edited with Elementor. Note: After recent update as of Sep. 2021 the developers are claiming that both demos are supported by Elementor.

—> Setting up logos for transparent and non-transparent header is confusing, both options (edit pencil) button on the customizer are side by side.

—> Full width layout isn’t Full width layout, its just layout without sidebars, you can’t have an end-to-end screen layout. Another major drawback of the theme.

Conclusion: Listify may get the job done for you but working with this theme isn’t as easy as it has been advertised and certainly you can’t get every functionality thats listed on theme page for free you may have to buy some premium paid plugins depending on what kind of project you are working on.

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Sales / Downloads

18k Sales

Number of times the theme has been sold or downloaded. 

Adavance Search / Filter


Advanced search and filter option helps you to search the website with easae.

Free or Paid Listing
Yes (paid option)

 Customers can add listings for free or for a fixed price.

Google Maps

Listings will be visible on google maps, makes it easy to navigate and find a business.

Ratings & Review

Visitors will be able to review and rate businesses through this feature.

Membership / Subscription
Yes (Paid option)

Get recurring payments from your customers by using membership or subscription option.

WooCommerce Support

 You can extend the functionality of your website using WooCommerce and its addons.


Easily build website without writing coding, modern pagebuilders make 

Private Messaging

Private messaging feature allows your visitors to send private messages.

Claim Listing
Yes (paid)

Let people claim listings on your website.

Translation Ready

Support for translation into different languages. 

Booking System
Yes (paid)

Add Booking functionality to your website and earn mone


$ 1

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